Majmoo’ah-e Salawaat-e Rasool (Sallallahu Ta’ala Alaihi Wasallam): The Book of Mystifying Ethics

পোষ্টটি অন্যকে পড়ার সুযোগ করে দিতে শেয়ার করুন প্লিজ।

Muhammad Feroz Khan

Lecturer (English)

Peer E Kamel Sahebe Tasir Khawza Chowravi

Alame Elmae Ladunni Peer-e Khawza Chowravi

Author of Majmoo’ah-e Salawaat-e Rasool, Peer e Kamel, source of Spiritual knowledge, sahebe elme ladunni (flow of Allah gifted knowledge) discloser of mysterious hakikat, holder of spiritual power, Alame Rabbani, Arife Lasani, owner of Hikmat-e Lukman, Asef of the period, Khalifa e Shahe Jilan, Gawse Jaman, Indifferent Markaje Alam, Khawza e Khawjegun Khawja Abdur Rahman Chowrovi Kuddisasirruhul Aziz; Alabi by ancestors, Hanafi by Mazhab, Quaderi by Tarikat.  Hazrat Chawravi (Rahmatulla alaihe) was famous spiritual person who only in eight years achieved the fuyuzat and khilafat of his respected father Gawse Zaman Hazrat Fakir Khizir (Rahmatulla alaihe) and his Peer Great Khalifa of Quaderia Tarika Hazrat Shah Muhammad Yakub (Rahmatulla alaihe), devoted his life in the great service of Shariat and Tarikat. In the early life of his Boyhood, without only reciting Quran he did not achieve any formal or institutionalized education, he was an ancestor fortunate, indifferent spiritual personality who writes down 30 para (Chapter) large Darood Book after 30 para Holy Quran Sharif and 30 para Hadith Book, Bukhari Sharif.

Maan Ceh Goaem Sharhe Wasafe Aa Janab

Nista Paigambar Waale Darod Kitab

[What praise I will do to that great personality; He is not any prophet, but he has a Kitab] The name of this book is Majmoo’ah-e Salawaat-e Rasool (Sallallahu Ta’ala Alaihi wasallam). Like Quran Sharif in this great book there is a combination of total 6,666 Darood sharif, each para has 48 pages and total pages of this book is 1440. Through these Darood sharifs, he represents the entire philosophy of the life and dignity of Rasool (Sallallahu Ta’ala Alaihi wasallam) in the highest Arabic language through the light of Quran, hadith, Usul, Fiqh, Tasawaf and Aqhida. Apart from this, each para is fulfilled with the praise of certain different superior qualities of Rasool (Sallallahu Ta’ala Alaihi wasallam)

Khawja Chowravi (Rahmatullhi AlAihi) in this great book has attempted to reveal the Nabi Karim’s (Sallallahu Ta’ala Alaihi wasallam) personal, family, political, economic, worldly, and spiritual; in a word complete model of life. In addition, this great book is called to be the largest which is written in the respect of beloved prophet (Sallallhu Alaihe Wasallam), it will not be exaggerated if we call this great book encyclopedia of knowledge and science of Tafsir, Hadith, Fique, Usul, Balaghat, Manthik, Aqhaid, History, Mysteries of Sufism, Philology, mysteries of Religion, Shariat and Tarikat, Philosophy. Majmooa-e Salawat-e Rasul (Sallallhu Alaihe Wasallam) is such uneven book where the names of thousand Prophets have been written.

Theri Yade Pak Heh Majmoo’ah-e Salawaat-e Rasool

Ha Thera Ye Fayze Alamgir Khawja Chowravi

In this book, there is such a feeling and speech that this book perplexes exceptional virtuous theorist, Learned, Qualified, Thinkers, Philosophers, Researchers and Scholars. Here, beloved Rasul’s (Sallallhu Alaihe Wasallam) entity, accurate prettiness of genuine individuality, and short description of full qualified characteristics, impressively and stirringly excellent talking sign are revealed in a novel manner that by reading this, many famous Alim, Peer-Mashaek, Tarikat conforming of skillful devout philosophers of the Muslim world are mystified in wonder. That is indicating the uneven Allah gifted knowledge of the author. By intensely reading this book, innumerable characteristics of that book is discerned.

If Allah and Rasul (Sallallhu Alaihe Wasallam), Mashaek-e kiram and Murshid Qibla’s pity look on me, in this article I will attempt to translate the verses of the portion of the first chapter of this great book. By reading this book we will guess that the mode-voice of this huge book is short but very meaningful. Arrangements of mode-voice, word choice are interrelated. Deepness of mode, ornamental frankness is long-standing. Spirituality and supernaturalism are illuminated in full limit.         Mentioned descriptions’ reliability is supported by the hundreds of book. For realizing greatness of this book here is the translation:

“Ye Allah! Send Darood on my owner Muhammad Sallallhu Alaihe Wasallam who is Your beloved obedient, Your beloved Rasul and Your Habib who is such a core Prophet that who has given the message of the entire universe. Hereafter great Allah put face to face your that very bright pearl like luminous (pea-hen) noor. After that, your pea-hen Noor when saw in the mirror that you are a very beautiful uneven infrastructure, then you were ashamed to Allah and did shijda five times. Therefore, by the command of Allah, five times prayer was become compulsory on him and his followers. Divine Allah thrown the eye sight of love to this very Noor, afterward that became sweating all over by the wariness of Allah. Send Darood and salam on him (Sallallhu Alaihe Wasallam) and his family members and those all companions for whom Allah Ta’ala has ordered His respective Habib that to teach the love of his own (Allah-Rasul). (Allah has said) ye prophet you say, if you love Allah then follow me and afterward Allah will love you.

Got down abundance and salam (peace) on his (Rasul family and Shahaba) as much as that number has no termination. And none but Allah can count. Ye Allah send darood on our core prophet Muhammad Sallallhu Alaihe Wasallam who is your favorite submissive and prophet as well as Habib. (Whose identity) is foremost prophet who has been created absolutely. Therefore angels have created from the blessed sweats of his holy Head. The Arsh, Kurcy, Lawhe, Pen, Sun and Moon have created through the blessed sweat his holy face. Even Allah has created also such things which are in the sky; such as screen of light, Bright stars etc. Prophets, sent Great men, Martyrs, Honest men and Awlia Keram are created from the blessed sweat of his holy chest.  Oh Parwardegar! reveal salam and darood on his (Sallallhu Alaihe Wasallam) ancestor and Sahaba-e Keram whose best is Hazrat Abu Bakar Siddique Radiallahu Ta’ala Anhu, then Hazrat Omor (Radiallahu Ta’ala Anhu). After that Hazrat Osman (Radiallahu Ta’ala Anhu), afterward Hazrat Ali (Radiallahu Ta’ala Anhu) for whom Zibrail Alaihis Salam said – without Hazrat Ali (Radiallahu Ta’ala anhu) there is not any young. Give salam (peace) and abundance on him.

Ye Allah got down Darood and salam on my owner Muhammad Sallallhu Alaihe Wasallam who is Your beloved subservient, Your beloved Rasul and Your Habib as well as your chief prophet. Muslim men-women have created from whose blessed sweat of both holy eyebrows. Moreover Jews-Christians, fire-priest and other deluded nations’ soul have created from his blessed sweat of holy ears. Also all the creation of Eastern-Western and that’s middle have created from his (Sallallhu Alaihe Wasallam) blessed sweat of holy legs.”

In conclusion, we can say that this is such a mystifying book that has been written in praise and uniqueness of the conscience of the consciences most Blessed Huzur Sallallhu Alaihe Wasallam. If there is any kind of mistake from me, I want mercy of most gracious Allah, Rasul Sallallhu Alaihe Wasallam , Mashaek-e kiram and Murshid Qibla (Rahmatullahi Alaihe). I request all of you to read this respectful book and for us who are follower (murid) of the Huzur Qibla (Maddazilluhul Ali), it is compulsory for us to buy, read and preserve it in our house. At last not the least, let celebrate the Birthday of Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaau Alaihe Wasallam) with utmost enthusiasm and devotion so that we may live as the true lovers of Rasool-ullah (Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam) and may die in the love of Rasool-ullah (Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam). Ameen!

Hardam O Har Waqt Meh Na Chiz Se Heh Ye Dua

Ho Ziarat Ki Kue Tadbir Khawja Chowravi


  1. Majmoo’ah-e Salawaat-e Rasool (Sallallahu Ta’ala Alaihi Wasallam): 1st Chapter(Para)
  2. Tarjuman-E-Ahle Sunnat: (Bulletin No- Shawal & Zilhazz, 1422 Hizri)
  3. Shazra-e Alia Quaderia: Anjuman-e Rahmania Ahmadia Sunnia Trust Publication.
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